Eric's Reef


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Before I ever kept reefs, I kept freshwater tanks. From guppies to Discus.My discus is dead now though. It died a few days after I took down its 25gl and moved it to the 30gl. But anyhow, I dont have many pictures on my freshwater tanks, but Ill add more in the future.


Picture of my 30gl Amazon like tank.

Tank Size: 30gls
Lighting: Only a 20watt Floresent bulb
Fish: 6 Serpe Tetras, 2 plecos, 3 Medium sized Angelfish
Plants: Some Crypts, some Anubis plants(I think thats right), some Java ferns(all plants, are clippings or are extras from my 25gl tank).
Filtration: Emperor 400
Temp: 77-82

Not that great of a picture. Pretty crummy if you ask me.
But Theres more to come!


Crummy photo of my piranha. Hes not much for pictures
Stay Tuned!

Not too much here, but thought I should put something up of to show Im not just a Reefer.