My whole nano reef is pretty much DIY The lights, DIY from ahsupply, Plumbing, all me, plenum, all me, infact when I put the lights together, instead of making a hood, I used an old dresser drawer! Date of setup: April 9th, 2000(4-09-00) 
Full shot of main reef 
Whole shot of the nano 
Shot of nanos lights 
Open brain 
Flower anenome and SPS(upper left, the brown thing) 
Flower(aka Rock) anenome 
Refugium, and yes, that is a Taco bell cup. It slows down the water in from the main reef. This has been my star attraction to my site so far. |  |
 |  Info Tank size: About 16gls total (is 2 10gl tanks) Lighting: 2 36watt PC, one 6700k one actinic Added a 15watt NO actinic on the 17th. Makes the tank look more white. Much better looking now too. Avrg temp: 82f Filtration: Liverock: about 15lbs total Macroalgae Livesand Plenum in sump/refugium Pump: rio 1700 set with a balvalve to greatly reduce flow All plumbing was DIY Lighting cycle: Main reef: on in morning off at night, not consistent. But for the NO actinic, turns on at 6:30, off at 9:30. Refugium: on at 9pm, off at 7:30am Corals LPS Green Open brain Frogspawn coral (added 9-04-00) SPS Unknown brown SPS, possibly montipora Some unknow Branching SPS I got from a friend. Looks really cool. Will have to look in some books to find out what it is though. <- best id, either a type of acropora, or some kind of montipora. Hard to tell. Sofites Bright Green Sinularia Chocolate Brown Sinularia Brown Sacrophyton, Kenya Tree coral(capnella) Blue green nepthea Polyps Green and brown mostly, a few green and orange Anenome Flower(rock) anenome Shrooms Some blue shroom A rock with a few frilly shrooms moved from the 90. They were dieing in there for some unknow reason. 1 striped shroom 1 green shroom(looks close to a water melon shroom, but more deep green) Fish: Unknow damsel Ect: 2 pepermint shrimp(one in sump now, trying to get 2nd one out as they try to eat my rock anenome) about 10 blueleggers 8 Astrea snails 1 maragrita snail Other critters that came along with live rock
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